NOT FAKE NEWS: Bernie Sanders and his Wife Being Investigated for Fraud

Alright, people, it has been a long couple of days since I have blogged. I do have a life and a job. But hey, did you hear that Bernie Sanders and his wife are being investigated for fraud? Probably not, and if you have I bet you it was not from the MSM. Well, that is NOT fake news and you will probably never hear it from the MSM because it does not fit their narrative.

CBS News reported:
"Politico Magazine first reported the Sanders had hired lawyers to defend them in the probe. Sanders' top adviser Jeff Weaver told CBS News the couple has sought legal protection over federal agents' allegations from a January 2016 complaint accusing then-President of Burlington College, Ms. Sanders, of distorting donor levels in a 2010 loan application for $10 million from People's United Bank to purchase 33 acres of land for the institution."

Well, well, well. A socialist being investigated for fraud. Does that sound like a surprise? Not to me.
The allegations begin with his wife, Jane Sanders, who served as President of Burlington College from 2004-2011. She allegedly overinflated the financial commitments of Burlington College to obtain a loan. If you do not have the money, you do not have the money. Remember, Jane, NUMBERS DO NOT LIE. Now, Bernie is also being investigated in "strong-arming the bank into giving his wife the loan," reported the Daily Wire. Which in all honesty, I can believe he did just that. Of course, the investigation will show whether he did or not, BUT I do not put it past him to do that.

Isn't it funny how socialist say how much of a better world they will make, but yet never disappoint to make a mess?
Bernie will not answer questions about the probe either, I mean he is a socialist so that is not surprising. I used to think that Bernie was the type of guy who did not mind a conversation about differing politics, but I was wrong. He's a nice guy until you disagree with him. I mean come on, Bernie. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS! DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE? ARE THE ALLEGATIONS TRUE?

You more than likely will not hear about this ever again from the MSM because Russia is behind it and planted everything on the Sanders family. Sounds legit, right?

Do not get pulled in by the MSM. Read for yourself and come to your own opinion.

-Alejandra, FFF


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