We're Not Entitled to Anything

     In today's society, the majority of millennials were, and still are, Bernie supporters. They love[d] the idea of universal healthcare, free college, taxing the 1% because of "income inequality," and to increase the living wage. All of these topics, just to name a few from his campaign platform, sound amazing... if you live in utopia.
     I'm just going to be honest: if you believe that all of these utopian ideas were going to happen, you need a reality check. Millennials today feel SO SO SO entitled to everything. Why? ARE YOU OFFENDED AT THE FACT YOU NEED TO WORK HARD FOR WHAT YOU DESERVE? Honestly, people, this is ridiculous. No one is entitled to healthcare. Healthcare is a commodity. The doctors provide a service and therefore receive pay for that service. Doctors should not be forced to provide service because they do not HAVE to.
Free college? Did anyone seriously think this was going to happen? Who's going to pay for it? Where is the money going to come from? Unfortunately, in New York, free college is actually happening but did anyone realize how much taxes are going to go up? This can be broken down into simple economics: Now that college will be free (supplying education, with met requirements), more students will be applying (demand). When more students apply, tuition will rise. When tuition rises, since the student does not pay, taxes will rise a substantial amount because that is where the money is going to come from. Why should the people of New York have to pay for the education of others? WHY? Can you not work to pay your own tuition? Can you not take out a loan? Instead of majoring in useless degree's, *cough* Women's Studies *cough*, major in something you're passionate about, and will financially keep you stable in the long run. And if you want to major in something like Women's Studies, pay for it yourself.
     When Bernie would shout "TAX THE TOP 1%" he made everyone believe that they were the Coke Brother's, Apple, big "multi-million dollar companies," etc. when that 1% also includes small mom and pop shops. What makes our economy is every small business with its doors open. On an interview that Bernie gave on CNBC, he was asked if he believed if a 90% tax rate was too high. His answer, "No. What I think is obscene, and what frightens me again, is when you have the top one-tenth of one percent owning almost as much as the bottom 90...." A couple problems with that. First, what exactly constitutes the top 1% in America? Any household with annual income exceeding $450,000 in adjusted gross income. Bernie makes the top 1% to sound like an exclusive club, but it's actually a "club" that millions of Americans are a part of. So that McDonald's, Dunkin Donuts, Burger King, Taco Bell franchise owned down the street is part of that top 1%. Taxing them at a ridiculous amount will do nothing but hurt them. Why hurt them? They are the job creators! They're the ones who took the risk to open a business, who went to school to become professionals, who took out loans, and who probably even put payroll on their credit card just to keep their doors open. Is that too hard to understand?
     Lastly, the living wage. Many problems with this one as well, but I will try to keep it short. Having the minimum wage be at $15 is so ridiculous. Jobs like McDonald's, Wendy's, Taco Bell, etc. are beginner jobs. Those jobs are for one to build their work ethic, to learn how to deal with people. Those jobs are NOT for people to raise a family with. It is NOT rocket science either. If the minimum wage for some absurd reason does go up to $15, employment WILL go down. Business' will implement Kiosk's, and instead of highering young adults, they will higher the older generation who would actually need the dang job. On top of a tax hike, a $15 minimum wage will for sure ruin the small businesses that make our economy thrive.
     So what did we learn?
My goal here is to have people understand common sense because that what this is, common sense. We are not entitled to healthcare, we are not entitled to free college, and we are not entitled to $15 an hour to flip a burger or to make coffee.

Always remember, short-term wins will more than likely always lead to long-term failure.

-Alejandra, FFF


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